Journal Profile

  ”Forest Engineering” is a national academic journal approved by the Ministry of Science and Technology and the General Administration of Press and Publication, supervised by the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China, sponsored by Northeast Forestry University, and publicly distributed nationwide. It is one of the publications of the Chinese Forestry Society. Founded in 1985, it has successively become a full-text indexed journal of China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI), an included journal of “Overview of Chinese Core Journals”, a source journal of Chinese science and technology paper statistics (China Science and Technology Core Journal), and a core journal of China Science Evaluation Research Center (RCCSE) Resource integration of Class A periodicals, Science Citation Database (SCD) periodicals, source periodicals of Wanfang Database (China info) sci-tech periodicals group, source periodicals of China Academic Journal Comprehensive Evaluation Database (CAJCED), China Journals Full-text Database (CJFD) periodicals, VIP periodicals Platform journals, journals included in Longyuan Journal Network, periodicals included in periodical database, journals included in Chaoxing Discovery System, China Science and Technology Papers Online ( journals, Chinese Academic Journals (Online Edition) (CAJ- N) First-time journals on the Internet.
  ”Forest Engineering” has been included in the American “EBSCO Database” (EBSCO), the British “Agricultural and Biological Science Research Center” (CABI), the Japanese “Science and Technology Promotion Agency Database (China)” (JSTChina) database and the American “Ulrich Journal Guide (Online Edition)” (Ulrichsweb).

  ”Forest Engineering” integrates science, technology, knowledge, and information, and mainly reflects forest resource construction and protection, wood science and engineering, forestry equipment and technology, forest roads and bridges, forestry construction and materials, forestry logistics and Information and other aspects of academic research and scientific and technological achievements, technological trends, technical experience, technological innovation and technology introduction, etc. The journal columns are novel, rich in content, and highly readable. Authors are welcome to contribute and subscribe.

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Chinese Universities Excellent Science and Technology Journal

A Guide to the Core Journal of China Database

Source Journal for Chinese Scientific and Technical Papers and Citations Database

China Agriculture and ForestryCore Journal Database